News7 November 2024
Tank It Easy: Padoan’s philosophy on Macchine & Cantieri
After the launch at IAA 2024 show in Hannover, #TankItEasy has been the focus of last editorial (October issue) of the Magazine “Macchine e Cantieri”.
Here below the translation in English:
#TankItEasy: this is the claim of Padoan launched at IAA 2024 and that will be a leading line in communication and customer service. Partner and not only supplier, Padoan has an increasingly strong identity at the service of manufacturers, bodybuilders and players in the world of machinery and equipment.
The industrial vehicle, application and machinery industry is a challenging field, particularly with regard to the tasks in which vehicles and operators are engaged on a daily basis. There is no doubt that every technical spec set by manufacturers or bodybuilders aims at maximum performance, which is fundamental for those who, in turn, will use the machine, as well as durability while minimising maintenance costs.
So we talk about value, which is then transmitted in cascade to the user of the application and ultimately to those who rely on professionals for construction, demolition, lifting and so on. But what is value given by? When it comes to machinery, the performance of the various components of the system is crucial, and from this point of view Padoan, as a tank specialist, has always researched cutting-edge technologies and solutions to ensure quality over time. In the same way, the value given to the community by those who use the machinery is represented by the solutions. Solutions to problems, or better still, needs, that machine builders and fitters also have, which are not solely related to technical issues. Component procurement brings with it practical, administrative, flow issues that have a major impact. Padoan has developed a range of services that today is synthesised in the claim launched at IAA 2024: ‘TANK it easy’.
The identity of Padoan is unique, that of tank specialist and at the same time it is characterised by facets that aim to represent added value for those who rely on Padoan to achieve their goals. The added value is summed up in one word: Solution.
The construction of applications, work vehicles and machinery is characterised by a plurality of processes involving not only the design and production fields, but also management and administrative tasks.
For this reason, the services and day-to-day activities provided by Padoan represent a plus in addition to the experience and specialisation in tanks for industrial vehicles
and machinery, developed in over 85 years of activity.
Padoan intends to be a partner that takes care of every detail, facilitating business and professional life.
First of all, professionals in research and development support designers and technicians of manufacturers and fitters in identifying the best tank in accordance with the layout of the application.
This means dialogue at the same level, being able to provide the appropriate customisation if necessary.
The fragmentation of purchases is a further facet that presents criticalities in terms of orders, payments and logistics, which is why Padoan has defined a range of accessories that make its tanks ‘plug & play’, i.e. ready for installation also through the supply of filters, adapters, indicators and ball valves, just to refer to hydraulic applications.
This is also particularly important from the point of view of product codes, including in the single supply the mounting kit, side or rear/on the platform, as well as any other components useful to instantly solve application needs (e.g. adapters, filters, indicators and connections).
Time is a crucial factor in the installation stage and in all the processes that regulate and make the supply chain efficient. Padoan works through analysis of customer flows that can then receive support also for reorders, mitigating the complexities arising from the usual fluctuation of requests from the market and always having a tool for planning comparison. Time saving also applies to after-sales, through a dedicated portal to always have technical/administrative documentation concentrated in a single tool, also useful to dialogue with the internal team for every need.
Quality is a fundamental requirement, not only from a production point of view. ISO9001 certification is a key benchmark in Padoan’s management vision, through which means and methods are constantly streamlined to provide quality output to customers. The theme of ‘certification’ is also of crucial significance from the sustainability point of view, an area in which Padoan believes so strongly that it is in the final stages of acquiring ISO14001.
All this is also possible thanks to the care dedicated to the training and selection of the supply chain, with partners aligned to the vision of Padoan, who contribute with their own value to the global value developed by Padoan. The value also refers to the brand, and a strong attention is paid to the identity of the market players, who by turning to Padoan can preserve and enhance their peculiarities also through customisation, if it is considered an added value.
The circle closes with logistics that every day contributes to the facilitation of customers’ activities not only through precise planning and scheduling, but also with the possibility to manage shipments internally, relieving the customer from a process with scarce added value. In all this, the technical solutions, processes and finishes of tanks and components are at the heart of Padoan’s mission, the fulcrum of an offer that aims at generating organic quality in every area, also thanks to a vertical specialisation that supports machines and industrial vehicles.
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