Tank Tribe
Are you proud of your daily work
and feel that you speak the same language as we do?
With #TankTribe we want to promote your working experience. You are the main actor, engaged every day in the field and you can count on a Padoan tank at your side. Through your stories and your pictures you become part of the "tank tribe". Tales and pictures combine work and passion, quality and excellence of your vehicle and represent a success. We will use social media channels, web activities and events to give you visibility and to make #TankTribe bigger and bigger.
Send us the stories and the photos of your adventures, become part of #TankTribe!

TANKTRIBE – 4-XTREMES: Padoan diesel tanks – Tested on our adventures
When it comes to reliable diesel tanks, we trust Padoan.
These tanks are built using cutting-edge technology and the highest quality standards. Whether aluminum, steel, or stainless steel, the materials are processed through automated manufacturing to ensure maximum precision and durability.
The tanks are welded with robotic MIG/MAG welding, which means that the seams are exceptionally strong and can withstand extreme conditions.
After the production, each tank undergoes a careful quality check, including helium leak testing.