Neuigkeiten25 November 2023
Tanktribe – 4-xtremes.ch – Andrea and Mike
Padoan travels all around the world and also supports with its solutions people who want to discover the beauty of each country.
As the Padoan team, we are very pleased and happy to welcome Andrea & Mike (4-xtremes.ch) to the #tanktribe with their Mercedes-Benz Axor 4×4 overland truck, equipped with two Padoan diesel tanks.
We will experience with them adventures and day-to-day use of the vehicle and tanks in challenging conditions.
Here is their message.
„We are exited to become part of the tank tribe.
Since nearly 6 years we have been living full-time on our Mercedes Benz Axor 4×4 expedition truck and so far we have traveled through 43 countries over 4 continents.
We are Andrea & Mike and we have gathered a lot of experience throughout our Overlanding years.
Since 10 months, we are now exploring South America. As we are heading to the south of Chile, where rough weather and road conditions await us, we will be comparing two Padoan tanks made of different materials, exposed to the same conditions over the same period of time.
After using two painted steel diesel tanks of Padoan over the past years, we switched to one aluminium tank and one stainless steel tank with the help of Hydrocar, official Padoan distributor in Chile.
In our monthly articles on TankTribe, we will be addressing different topics, such as why carrying a big amount of Diesel is important, how the different types of materials are changing in real life conditions and why we choose to carry two tanks instead of one.
The first differences we noticed about the two different materials are the following:
– The colors are different. Note in the picture where we have both tanks side to side.
– The weight of the tanks are completely different. While the stainless steel tank had to be placed into the tank brackets with a fork lift versus the aluminium tank, which was carried easily by two people.
So keep checking in here to read up on our experiences.“
Follow them and the amazing experience they are living also through their social profiles:
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